
Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word is unavailable, but you can change that!

Has your Bible study time ever felt dry and unorganized? Do you ever walk away forgetting what you just read? Have you lost your excitement and joy in Bible reading? Many Christians answer yes to these questions. In Learn to Study the Bible you’ll discover 40 different step-by-step Bible study methods that you can use to study the Scriptures in many new and exciting ways. Why use a method to...

pages of Scripture. Many Christians miss the truth of God’s Word because they are trying to mold its precepts to fit their own personal ideologies. They read meaning into the text rather than drawing understanding from it. However, when we come to the Bible prepared to have our thoughts and ideas conformed to its authority (rather than the other way around) then whether we are seasoned biblical scholars or the youngest Sunday school students we will be able to come away with a correct understanding.
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